About Me

Photo courtesy of my beautiful sister in law, another full time mom and part time photog. 
Firstly, I'm a full time mom, part-time photographer, part-time crafter, part time baker....ok everything besides being a mom is full-time because there's really only so much room for everything else right? My family and I have recently moved back to Omaha after moving around for a couple of years and we can definitely say this is where we want to be, so I'm not going anywhere any time soon :)
Why Photography?: Well, my whole life I've been creative, whether it meant burying my nose in a book for hours on end while everyone else played outside, creating doll houses from cardboard boxes, or learning to crochet when I was 8 because I was bored, I've always been actively trying to think outside of the box...in some case inside the box worked just fine :)
As an adult I've taken that creativity and expanded it to photography which took a lot of debating on whether on not I wanted to go down that path seeing as everyone these days is a photographer. My own mother and sister in law are photographers, my grandpa was a photographer, how many photographer's does one family really need? And did I really need to learn a new skill? OF COURSE I DO!!! and I say "I DO", because photography is a constant learning process. Every day I'm learning a new technique, or figuring out a new setting on my camera, or finding a new way to edit. It's a constant learning process. I take pride in saying I've learned everything on my own. I've done the research, I've asked the questions, I've Google-d and YouTube-d to my hearts content and here I am!
My own children have been constant models for me so I have more than enough photos of them and they'll never be able to say "hey where's the photos of me?" because there are tons of them all! With that said, I suppose you could say I specialize in children's photography. I just understand them. They're fun and quirky, and there's never a dull moment in their lives.
But I also love adults, and love stories, happily ever afters, etc. And when you combine both I suppose I'll have to also say family photos are my favorite! Why? because getting everyone to smile is an adventure. Having no one looking at the camera at the same time is fun. My own favorite family picture is where one child has a styrofoam cup in his mouth, the other is blowing one of those party noise makers, my husband looks stressed out, and I'm smiling and pregnant as can be. Its my favorite because it is so uniquely us! I don't mean to say this is how your photos will turn out of course, I'm just saying there are so many interesting factors that go into a great family portrait and I love to capture all of them! 
Photography is slowly becoming my life, its a part time job for me right now and will be until I have all of my children in school, but I love it. I love devoting my spare moments to learning new ways to provide the best products for my customers. With that said, I love meeting new clients! Its always interesting to see how uniquely different every family is and I love being able to provide great photos at a great price! 


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