Thursday, March 27, 2014

Arnold Boys

Are they not the cutest brothers? This shoot actually had to be rescheduled because the weather was terribly cold the first date but 2 weeks later it was beautiful and sunny, enough that they could wear shorts and I was sweating! That's Nebraska weather for ya!
Every one, meet Landon, he's got a quirky smile and a bit of a 'tude, but we got along just fine! and Bentley, sweet little boy with a bit of camera shyness but he eventually warmed up to me. We had so much fun running around that park, climbing up on rocks and kicking the ball around. It was great to meet this family, truly hope to see them again!

Meet Jax 6 days old

Meet the newest addition to my family, Jaxton Thomas Carey. Born March 10 to my baby brother and his girlfriend at a whopping 9lb 6oz! He was bigger than my biggest! I had to wait 6 days to meet him but it was so worth it. He's adorable with those chubby cheeks and incredibly peaceful. If all babies were this way the world would be greater...or over populated lol. The day was perfect, the light was perfect, I'm just in love with him and how these photos turned out.

Here's some with mom and dad I love too. He had not issues being jostled from one person to the other, seriously I would keep him if I could!

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